The D2 short model built under the collaboration agreement with INFN Genova, was tested in SM18, CERN, last August.
This assembly, named MBRDS1c, which had one aperture replaced after finding a major damage in the cable at the location of the layer jump, is the only short model of the D2 program. The new assembly has a new aperture and an "old" one, that showed no retraining.
When tested at 1.9 K, the magnet reached ultimate current in both apertures. And, when tested at 4.5 K, the magnet reached ultimate corresponding to more than 95% of the short sample limit. Magnetic measurements have been taken for the first time in cryogenic conditions.
The results obtained after thermal cycle did not satisfy the acceptance requirements for the series: the ultimate current was reached but with some retraining in one coil. Soon, the short model will be disassembled at CERN to inspect the coils of both apertures.
In terms of magnetic field quality and quench performances, both are in accordance with the design.
These results provide important information for the construction of the prototype and the series.