On June 30, 2020, after 10 years of leadership, Lucio Rossi officially handed over the HiLumi project to Oliver Bruning, the new HL-LHC project leader. On this occasion, the HL-LHC Management invited Fabiola Gianotti, CERN DG, Frederick Bordry, Director for Accelerators and Technololgy and Lluis Miralles Verge, Head of the SMB Department to visit the new connection between the HL-LHC UPR53 and the LHC tunnel at Point 5 in Cessy, France.
Farewell Lucio - Congratulations Oliver
Farewell Lucio - Congratulations Oliver
Farewell Lucio - Congratulations Oliver

Handover between Lucio Rossi, HL-LHC Project Leader and his successor, Oliver Bruning, in presence of Fabiola Gianotti and Frederick Bordry – New connection between the HL-LHC UPR53 and the LHC tunnel at Point 5.