

A novel optics scheme

A novel optics scheme to meet the HL-LHC targeted performance, Issue 18 Accelerating News.

6th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting in Paris on 14-16 November 2016

The HL-LHC project has now completed the transition between the Design Study phase, carried out under the umbrella of the FP7 HiLumi Design Study, and the construction phase.

Marco Morrone wins student prize

Marco Morrone wins student prize for his poster "Mechanical Design of the HL-LHC beam screens" that was presented during ICHEP16 in Chicago.

New niobium-tin cables for HL-LHC

The production of the new niobium-tin cables for the high-performance superconducting magnets of the HL-LHC is now in full swing at CERN, CERN Bulletin.

The HL-LHC: a bright vision

The HL-LHC: a bright vision, CERN Courier.

Prototype HL-LHC magnet

Prototype HL-LHC magnet undergoes testing, CERN Bulletin.