

Dialogo con Lucio Rossi

Public talks by Lucio Rossi on the LHC upgrade on 29 October at University of Trieste and on 30 October at University of Ferrara.

Columbus at CERN

Visit the Columbus/ASG stand at the Italy at CERN exhibition until 10th October.

Lucio Rossi awarded Piacentino dell anno prize

Prof. Lucio Rossi as the HL LHC Project Leader was awarded the prize 'Piacentino dell'anno 2014'

Showcasing the NB3SN SC cables by HiLumi LHC at the Hannover Messe

Showcasing the NB3SN SC cables by HiLumi LHC at the Hannover Messe 
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HiLumi LHC design study moves towards HL-LHC

HiLumi LHC design study moves towards HL-LHC, CERN Courier
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