

Shape memory material

"Shape memory" material provides a solution for the HL-LHC, CERN Bulletin.

Issue 16 Accelerating News

Issue 16 of Accelerating News is out featuring the latest on the 11T and LASA-INFN corrector magnets


Super and Ferric

Super and ferric: the first HL-LHC component is ready, CERN Bulletin.

QUACO starts

QUACO project, a co-fund PCP in the frame of H2020-INFRASUPP-2015-2, started on March 1st, 2016. Read more

HL-LHC Crab cavities explained in 180 seconds

High Luminosity LHC Crab Cavities explained in 180 seconds - Video

HiLumi LHC celebrates the end of the Design Study

HiLumi LHC celebrates the end of the Design Study and the start of the construction phase. More to come soon.

HiLumi upgrade project press release

CERN press release on HiLumi moving to the next phase. More